When it comes to interviewing for a new job, confidence is key. It might sound cliche, but that is really what draws families to a child care provider. Typically they want someone that not only has experience but also knows what they are doing and what they are talking about. This level of confidence helps ease the nervousness they feel when leaving their child with a new person. This doesn’t come naturally to everyone, and that’s okay. Here are a few steps you can take to build up your confidence through your strengths:

Yellow banner with text saying "When you can't drop work to do school pick-ups" and showing a smiling child care provider & child on a scooter.Identify Your Strengths

Before applying to your next job, spend some time writing out what your strengths are and what you enjoy most about working with children and families. Taking this time can help you to confidently interview with families that you are naturally aligned with. Really dig deep for these answers.

For example, if you come from an education background and always had the ability to calm down and navigate a classroom full of three-year-olds, your strengths could be caring for toddlers, caring for multiples, staying calm in a fast-paced environment, teaching/educating, creating and implementing schedules, organizing field trips/playdates, collaborating with a team, and much more.

Once you have a full list, you’re ready for the next step.

Decide On Your Best Strengths

With your full list of strengths, choose 3-5 that you feel you’re the best at. These will eventually become your talking points, so be thoughtful in your decision-making.

If you have trouble narrowing them down, think about the strengths you’re great at but also enjoy doing. This is important because even though something comes naturally to you, it doesn’t mean you would enjoy doing it for months or years at a time as a child care provider.

Pink banner with text saying "When your logistics hero also tells the best jokes" and showing a babysitter holding a toddler while they both laugh.Practice Talking About Your Top Strengths

Now it’s time to establish talking points for your top strengths. These talking points will help you confidently communicate during interviews. Take each strength and write how and/or why you’re good at it, how this skill can help on the job, and which job/positions align with your strengths. Once you are done, read over them a few times and have these points on hand for interviews until you can talk fluently without your written notes present.

Knowing your strengths, aligning with the jobs where you can display your strengths, and having talking points to talk about your strengths is a great recipe for building your confidence as a professional. Don’t think about this as boasting. Instead, shift your mind to understanding the importance of knowing what you can bring to the table and confidently sharing that information with families.

Remember: You are an amazing child care provider with amazing strengths. Display them confidently and land your dream job!

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