Caring for infants can seem like an intimidating job—there’s so much to know and understand about what babies need. And while that’s true, that doesn’t mean it’s something you can’t learn. There are many new parents out there looking for a caregiver who’s familiar with what their baby needs. Don’t count yourself out of those job opportunities because you aren’t familiar with infant care. The best place to start is infant safety.

Green banner with text saying "When your email is blowing up and so is their diaper" and showing a caregiver holding a smiling baby.Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

What is SIDS?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old. About 2,300 babies in the United States die of SIDS each year.

How Do You Prevent SIDS?

Currently, there is no known way to completely prevent SIDS. There are several known risk factors for SIDS, although some infants who die of SIDS have no risk factors. Premature infants are at a higher risk of SIDS, as are infants whose mothers did not receive adequate prenatal care. Exposure to drugs, alcohol, and nicotine in utero also increases an infant’s risk of SIDS. Boys are more likely to die of SIDS than girls.

However, there are some things that caregivers can do to help prevent SIDS. Several of the risk factors for SIDS that can be changed or controlled to reduce risk include:

  • Sleep position
  • Soft sleeping surfaces and loose, fluffy bedding
  • Overheating during sleep
  • Smoke in the infant′s environment
  • Bed-sharing
  • Breastfeeding and vaccinations

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

What is SBS?

Shaken baby syndrome—also known as abusive head trauma, shaken impact syndrome, inflicted head injury, or whiplash shake syndrome—is a serious brain injury resulting from an infant or toddler being forcefully shaken. SBS destroys a child’s brain cells and prevents their brain from getting enough oxygen.

Yellow banner with text saying "When you need someone who cares as much as you do" and showing a caregiver with a smiling baby.Effects of SBS

Approximately 25% of all babies who experience Shaken Baby Syndrome die. Survivors of SBS often suffer irreversible damage. Victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome may suffer from the following long term effects:

  • Coma
  • Partial or total blindness
  • Hearing loss
  • Seizures
  • Developmental delays
  • Impaired intellect
  • Speech and learning difficulties
  • Problems with memory and attention
  • Severe intellectual disability
  • Paralysis

Learn Preventative Strategies to Keep Infants Safe

Taking continuing education courses is a great way to build your credentials on your profile as well as potentially increasing your rate of pay.

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