As a sitter or nanny caring for infants, teething is a critical developmental stage to be familiar with. This is a big milestone for many families and can be both exciting and exhausting for parents. As the changes disrupt routines, they may lean on you more. Make sure that you’re prepared to be a resource and support system during this period, and be ready to adjust.

When Does a Baby’s First Tooth Come?

Most infants cut their first tooth around six months. Some babies can be a bit earlier at three or four months. And some are late bloomers, so there’s no need for parents to worry if they haven’t seen a tooth even at nine or more months.

Green banner with text saying "When your email is blowing up and so is their diaper" and showing a caregiver holding a smiling baby.Which Teeth Come in First?

Usually, the first teeth to come in are their bottom front two teeth (their incisors). By age three, the majority of babies will have all 20 of their teeth. Typical tooth order has the top front teeth coming in next. The first set of molars follow. Then the canines, or eyeteeth. Finally, the second set of molars come in.

What Are Teething Symptoms?

New parents may begin wondering, “when do the first teeth come in,” much sooner than the teeth actually erupt. Let them know this is quite typical. After all, some babies experience teething symptoms at two or three months. Depending on your schedule with the child, you may observe some of these signs first. Here’s what to look for:


Teething stimulates saliva buildup in babies’ mouths. So if you notice a lot of drool or soggy bibs and shirts, it may be a sign that a tooth could erupt soon. Refresh the bib (ask parents to provide extra) and gently wipe your baby’s face to prevent a teething rash. These rashes appear around the mouth, chin, and neck.

Watch out for coughing or an overactive gag reflex too. All that drool is a lot of fluid for their small mouths. If there are no signs of fever or other illness, it’s probably a teething indicator.

Ear Pulling and Cheek Rubbing

Babies with teeth coming in can experience gum irritation and aches. The nerves in the gum are connected to the cheeks and the ears. You may see them tugging at their ears or rubbing their cheeks and chin. Infants with ear infections may also tug at their ears, so you may want to alert the parents so they can check with their pediatrician as well.

Irritability and Crying

Be prepared for some fussiness. Some babies handle teething like little champs. Others want to make sure you know exactly how not fun a tooth erupting in their gums can be. Crying for a few hours or protracted irritability for weeks is not uncommon.

Cranky babies may also be more difficult to feed. Both parents who bottle-feed and breastfeed can experience this. Be prepared to handle this during feeding sessions. The baby may also lose that hard-won sleep routine and start waking sooner than expected.

Yellow banner with text saying "When you need someone who cares as much as you do" and showing a caregiver with a smiling baby.Biting

When the teeth start coming in, babies experience a lot of pressure in the tender gum tissue. This can be relieved with counter-pressure from chewing or biting. Teething rings can be a great option here. Or rub the infant’s gums with a clean finger.

Teething Remedies To Use & To Avoid

When babies do start teething you can’t help but want to soothe their scrunched-up faces. While you can’t get rid of all of the irritation, there are few things you can do to help.

The FDA recommends a hard rubber teething ring and cold, but not frozen foods. When working with a new family, make sure you check in to see if their child has any sensory needs. If there’s some pain or fever, it is also a good idea to let them know so they can speak to their pediatrician. The doctor can give the best recommendation for their baby’s specific situation.

Generally, physicians recommend avoiding other teething jewelry like amber necklaces or bracelets. These can pose a choking hazard. Also, avoid numbing agents. All that saliva means those gels get washed right out and do no good.

With time, these symptoms and irritability will pass, especially as more teeth come in. The one thing you can always do more of is comfort and cuddling. A hug never hurts.

When Should You Start Brushing a Baby’s Teeth?

As a caregiver, you may be asked to help parents brush teeth. Once the first tooth comes in it’s time to start a healthy oral hygiene routine for their child.

Dr. Lanre Falusi of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents start brushing as soon as that first tooth appears. “Brush them with a smear of toothpaste that contains fluoride.” You want to avoid cavities, which can pass from you or the parents to the baby, so don’t forget to brush your own too.

Parents should have scheduled an appointment with a pediatric dentist once the first tooth appears. Ask to be given any dental instructions or other healthy habits to avoid tooth decay.

Blue banner with text saying "When cuddles can't wait until the meeting is over" and showing a caregiver holding a smiling baby.When Should You Call the Doctor?

There are a few situations where it may be useful to encourage the parents to get their pediatrician’s advice.

  • If you notice a fever and swollen gums for more than three days
  • If after 18 months, there’s still no evidence of teething beginning
  • If you notice dark spots on the teeth, check with your dentist for cavities
  • If there is extended inconsolable crying
  • If at three years, the child does not seem to have all 20 teeth

Their dentist and pediatrician can answer general questions about their child’s teething timeline too. Babies getting their first teeth is an exciting time. Get ready for some challenges—and get your camera ready for those new toothy smiles.

Before you know it they’ll be asking, “When do kids start to lose their teeth?” The family will be on a whole new teeth timeline with you along for the ride. Ready to get started? Find new families to work with on Sittercity today.

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