When entering the nanny industry, many aren’t aware of all of the possible job types. The Household Employee field is very broad and there’s a lot of room for growth in your career! One title that is becoming more and more popular is House Manager. A House Manager is an overseer of all duties that affect and contribute to the flow of the house and family. Many wonder, “How can I grow my career and become a House Manager?” Well, there are many factors to that.

Green banner with text saying "When your peace of mind is their new best friend" and showing a smiling child care provider & child.

Is Being A House Manager A Good Fit?

The first thing you should consider when contemplating transitioning to House Management is whether the position is a good fit for you. A House Manager takes on a different level of responsibility and most times continue to have their previous child care responsibilities as well. It’s important to make sure it is a position you would thrive in. A House Manager should be a great multi-tasker, have a can-do attitude, be a team player, and be reliable. Therefore, if you’re easily overwhelmed or prefer low-stress environments, it may not be a good fit.

Find Opportunities With Your Current Employer

Sometimes parents can be overwhelmed in certain areas and need a bit of help. It might not always be immediately noticeable but, there are times when you can look around and take note of tasks that you can assist with. This is a great opportunity for you to tackle little things you know they would not mind. You can also ask if they would be interested in you handling a big task in the House Manager realm. This could allow you to add the task completed to your resume with the family and also allow you to gain experience handling those types of duties.

Blue banner with text saying "When you come home to laughter & a recap of the day" and nanny laughing with a boy raising his arms triumphantly.

Update Your Resume

When applying for House Manager positions, most families prefer those with previous experience. So, when you are trying to get your foot in the door, it’s a must to update your resume and make sure to highlight as many of your duties that cater to House Management as you can.

This is a great time to look back on your previous work with other families. You can start to track any duties you performed that crossed over on the House Manager side. Update your skills to include those that appeal to not only child care, but also House Management:

  • Highly organized
    You already love keeping all of the child’s things very organized and love to find better ways to store things
  • Great communication skills
    You notice things about the child or home and are great at sharing those observations and/or proposed solutions with the parents.
  • Easy Multi-tasker
    You find yourself often navigating multiple tasks at once versus handling them one at a time.

You can also request the references you have listed to highlight those duties as well. This can assist you with standing out to families, even as a beginner.

Pink banner with text saying "When your logistics hero also tells the best jokes" and showing a babysitter holding a toddler while they both laugh.

Look For Training/Continuing Education Opportunities

You can boost your resume even more by taking up House Manager training opportunities, especially those that offer certificates upon completion. This is a great way to enhance your skills and learn more about what is expected in a House Manager position. You could also look for transferable training as well. For example:

  • Organization
  • Handling house staff
  • Administrative training

Taking your career to the next level can appear intimidating. The key is doing your due diligence to promote yourself to those families. All you need is one opportunity to really get your start in House Management!

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