The first page of a new calendar has everyone thinking about the new year and new goals. It’s easy to find lists and ideas online, but so many resolutions for parents aren’t feasible or are overwhelming. Schedule a weekly date night or stop yelling at the kids isn’t exactly easy to implement. So what can you do? Here are some simplified, doable resolution ideas for parents. Depending on your situation (finances, single parenting, etc), these may not all be possible, but if you can pick even one that resonates with you, you’re on your way to a better year.

Pink banner with text saying "When your logistics hero is the hero they look up to" and showing a nanny and child smiling and standing back-to-back.

Resolution #1: Schedule Something

Nobody is as busy as the parents of a young child. Life moves fast in those early years and it never feels like there’s enough time to do it all. And that’s totally okay. As you think about a resolution to set for the new year, consider what you’ve been putting off scheduling. Maybe it’s finally time to call the repair guy about that leaky faucet or you’ve been meaning to get that weird mole looked at. Perhaps it’s more fun, like a date night or brunch with your girlfriends. This is your sign: resolve to schedule it! Call on your trusted sitters or a favorite aunt, find a time, and get it on the calendar.

Resolution #2: Decide Something

Decision fatigue is real. In the era of endless options and opinions, the overwhelm is real. Make this the year of deciding once and never think about what to give your child’s teacher again . . . or what meal to bring your friend who just had a baby . . . or what side dish to bring to the potluck. Resolve to pick something and be done. Remember, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If you already know which recurring decisions plague you the most, you could knock this out at the beginning of the year. Or take it slow and make your final decisions as each comes up.

Resolution #3: Solve Something

What’s driving you nuts? There’s probably something. Realistically, there’s probably lots of somethings, but pick one and solve it. Is helping your kids with homework the bane of your existence? Maybe this is the year you hire an after-school sitter who can help with homework? Do you hate folding laundry? Talk to your nanny about adding this to their responsibilities (with appropriate compensation). Is it a fight to get your child to wear a coat when it’s freezing outside? Hang a thermometer outside their window and make them the weatherman. Sure, life is filled with minor annoyances. With some creativity, most nuisances can be solved or improved. Make this the year you eliminate (or at least reduce) those pet peeves.

Yellow banner with text saying "When your meeting time is during snack time" and showing a caregiver and toddler each enjoying a fruit kabob.

Resolution #4: Celebrate Something

Celebrations bring friends and families together to spread joy. Make 2024 the year of more celebrating. Birthdays and holidays only happen a few times a year. Find new, smaller ways to infuse your life with festiveness. Your babysitter got accepted to her dream school? Invite her over for ice cream sundaes to celebrate. Your kiddo finished their first chapter book on their own? Dance party! Grandpa finally got a hole in one? Pick up a box of doughnuts and surprise him with a special breakfast.

Resolution #5: Drop Something

Instead of adding something to your to-do list next year, find something to take off your list. That’s right: let go of what’s not serving you. Does your kid hate soccer and fight you every Saturday morning? Quit. Is making a homemade meal every night slowly sucking your will to live? Order take-out, sign up for a meal kit service, or hit up the frozen foods aisle for some heat-and-serve dinners. Volunteered for too many committees at work or your kid’s school? Pick one and drop the rest. You’re not helping anyone (least of all yourself), if you’re burned out and resentful all the time. Get practical, set your priorities, and clear your calendar of the nonsense bringing you down.

Resolution #6: Do Nothing

We live in a hustle and productivity culture, but sometimes it’s nice to just do nothing. With constant messaging from social media to be better, improve, get more done, own more, buy more, renovate, revamp, redo, consume . . . life can be exhausting. So this year, instead of focusing on what you can do, why not focus on what you can not do? Practice gratitude and contentment. Revel in the joy and comfort around you. Recognize that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be right now and do nothing more.


For parents of school-aged children, early January doesn’t feel like a new beginning. When your life revolves around a school calendar, the new year starts at back-to-school time–not when you’re still nursing a holiday hangover. If September feels like the more authentic time to turn a new leaf, punt this project until then. No one says you have to set resolutions in January. Make it a back-to-school family affair and set the tone for a great new (school) year. Whenever you decide to make resolutions, remember to be realistic, keep it simple, and celebrate your small wins.

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