part time sitter for two loving girls
Posted by Kyra D. on 11/20/2024
- 2 children (Toddler, Infant)
- $19.00 - $20.00 per hour
my name is kyra. the father to my children and co parent is named logan. we have two beautiful girls, a 2 year old and a 3 month old.
when you arrive our toddler should still be asleep or have just woken up. she will be hungry whenever she does wake up so she will need to be made a snack. my infant drinks thawed breast milk. they will just need to be entertained and watched over while i get off work and make my way to their dads house.
- Comfortable with pets
- Nanny Share
- Tutoring
- Prepare Snacks/Meals
- Light housekeeping
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