2 Babysitting Jobs Found
- $19–20/hr
- Billings, MT • Less than a mile
part time sitter for two loving girls
- 2 children
- Babysitting
- W
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- F
2:00pm - 4:00pm (flexible)
my name is kyra. the father to my children and co parent is named logan. we have two beautiful girls, a 2 year old and a 3 month old.
when you arrive our toddler should still be asleep or have just woken up. she will be hungry whenever she does wake up so she will need to be made a snack. my... More
- $20–22/hr
- Billings, MT • 11 miles away
Part- time sitter for an infant and a...
- 2 children
- Babysitting
- W
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- F
1:00pm - 5:00pm
My names logan and my children's mother's name is kyra, we have a 3 month old infant, and a 2 year old toddler. We have 2 corgis and currently live with my parents and they aren't always home or around to help with the children so we are seeking help with looking after the children for 3 days a... More