2 Special Needs Jobs Found
- $25–35/hr
- King of Prussia, PA • 25 miles away
Assistance for senior male during daytime...
- 1 child
- Nanny
9:00am - 3:00pm (flexible)
A man in his early 80's is seeking an experienced caregiver during daytime hours several days per week. Days and hours are flexible, including weekdays and weekends. Other adult family members will be in and out of the home during caregiver hours.
Care includes assistance with toileting and... More
- $20/hr
- Whitehouse Station, NJ • 23 miles away
I have a 10 yrs old special need son that...
- 1 child
- Babysitting
- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
12:00am - 3:00am (flexible)
hourly bathroom schedule, need prompting to go bathroom, he will need help to wipe in the instant he has a BM other than that everything else is just verbal prompting.