2 Special Needs Jobs Found
- $100/week
- Philadelphia, PA • 25 miles away
After school Caregiver for special needs...
- 1 child
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
Hello, i am looking for someone who can go to my house Monday through Friday and wait with my son from 2pm to 5pm. You would just watch him at my house or you can take take him to the park that’s 5 mins away if you drive. My son is Nonverbal, loves bubbles, YouTube, being outside and snacks. If you... More
- $20/hr
- Whitehouse Station, NJ • 21 miles away
I have a 10 yrs old special need son that...
- 1 child
- Babysitting
- M
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- F
12:00am - 3:00am (flexible)
hourly bathroom schedule, need prompting to go bathroom, he will need help to wipe in the instant he has a BM other than that everything else is just verbal prompting.