As a mother and former nanny, I’m aware of the incredibly important work that child care providers play in the larger ecosystem of our society.

I didn’t quite know how valuable my work was when I was a nanny myself. In a way, my work as a Community Manager here at Sittercity is to be the person who I wish back then to others. Someone who advocates for the profession and is proud to be a part of the best community of humans. Our nanny community is loving, caring, nurturing, engaged, and supportive. Being able to connect with each of you is the best part of my day. You consistently remind me of what is important and why Sittercity does the work that we do.

Pink banner with text saying "When your logistics hero also tells the best jokes" and showing a babysitter holding a toddler while they both laugh.

Why Does Community Matter?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time connecting with you, it’s that the child care space is a largely unregulated industry. There is no governing body overseeing contracts, payments, benefits, or hiring. The existence of the nanny community almost acts as a self-governing body to help elevate the profession.

Knowledge Sharing

What makes the nanny community unique and so special is that each of you is willing to turn around and lend a hand or piece of wisdom to someone else who is just starting out and finding their footing. Each of you knows what it’s like to be new in this field, and how isolating it can feel, and you don’t want others to feel that way. The sentiment of “a rising tide lifts all boats” very much rings true within the community. The more that everyone feels empowered with the knowledge of industry standards, the more the profession is elevated which inevitably benefits everyone.

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Many of you have developed niche specializations and turn to social media to share what you know with others. From sleep training, to boundary setting within your working relationships, to contracts, benefits, and pay. You can learn a lot by exploring the online community. Not only will you find an abundance of information, but you’ll connect with some amazing nannies as well.

Career Validation

Something that I unfortunately hear over and over, and felt myself when I was a nanny, is the feeling that being a professional nanny is not looked at as a valid long-term career choice. There is still a lot of work to be done here, but we’ve come a long way in educating society on how important this work is.

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If you go online, specifically on social media, you’ll find nannies from all walks of life: Career nannies, high net worth nannies, parents who are nannies, teachers turned nannies. As someone who might be feeling like this career doesn’t offer longevity, you’ll be proven wrong. Not only is this a viable career choice, you can thrive in it too.

Blue banner with text saying "When your daily nanny makes every day magical" and showing a caregiver and a toddler sitting together, smiling and clapping.

You’re Not Meant To Be Alone

The funny thing about being a nanny is that it’s a job that requires you to love humans, specifically little humans, yet if you’re a nanny you don’t have much interaction with other people (your age) while you’re on the job. It’s not like you’re going into an office or have direct co-workers. This is where community plays a huge role in that feeling of belonging and having peers you can turn to.

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The challenges of being a nanny are unique. There aren’t many other people who would understand the highs and lows of being with children all day. When you connect with other nannies, you have the opportunity to feel understood in the work you do.

Your New Year’s Challenge

Finding community can look different depending on where you live and who you may have access to. However, the nanny community has done so much work to ensure that there are touchpoints for almost anyone who wants to be involved.


In the new year, challenge yourself to connect with the nanny community. To give you a head start, we’re providing some of our favorite ways you can get involved:

  • Join the Sittercity Facebook Community Group
    This private, provider-only Sittercity group is a safe place for nannies and sitters to connect, ask for advice, and provide support to other nannies who are using Sittercity to find work.
  • Attend Your Local International Nanny Training Day
    Each year, communities all over the US (and the world!) gather together for a day of learning, connecting, and networking. You can learn more about it here.
  • Attend A Nanny Conference
    There are many offered through the year: Nannypalooza, INA, and NannyCon are just a few to name.
  • Reach Out To Someone You Admire
    The internet has connected many nannies from across the world. It may seem nerve-wracking at first, but a simple message saying, “I see what you’re doing and I really admire it” is a great way to begin a friendship.

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Whether you just started your career, or you’ve been in the industry for 20 years, the nanny community is here to support your growth and remind you of how amazing this career really is!


As a mother and previous sitter and nanny on Sittercity, Nicole understands both the challenges and rewards that come with parenthood and the nanny landscape. As the Sittercity Community Manager, Nicole is working to uplift the profession and be an advocate for busy families to find the support they need.

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