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Shawn M., Pet Care Provider in Harrisonburg, VA 22803 with 20 years paid experience

Shawn M. Pet Care Provider in Harrisonburg, VA 22803

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Harrisonburg, VA

20 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within three months

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

Shawn’s Bio

Hello all❣️
I’m exploring new job opportunities after a short retirement. I have years of experience working with all sorts of creatures… including dogs, cats, birds of all sorts)I personally have a precious green cheek Conure named Loki who I recently adopted from an animal rescue organization ), fish, rodents/small mammals, pigs, horses, etc.
I grew up on a farm in Florida, and had many types of creatures. My friends and family call me the bird whisperer, however, I seem to be able to understand all animals in a special way. All I have to do is tune in to an animal, and create a mental connection. After that, I’m able to sense what the animal wants or needs without having to think. I’m a good candidate, because I’m a little older (in my prime I like to think), experienced beyond the norm, patient, intuitive, reliable and dependable, and have an innate connection with all creatures great and small.
I’m simply an empty nester ( my daughter grew up and moved out ) who has a lot of love and nurturing built up and I need a recipient for it all. Feel free to contact me with questions or requests. Will consider reasonable offers


20 years of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Birds
  • Small Mammals
  • Fish
  • Horses
  • Farm Animals
  • Exotic pets
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Shawn M.
Shawn M.
Harrisonburg, VA 22803

years experience

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

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