Shelby C. Pet Care Provider in Woodruff, SC 29388
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Last completed on 09/21/2022.
Basic background check 09/21/2022
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Woodruff, SC
4 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $15 per visit
Shelby’s Bio
Hi, I'm Shelby. I'm a former Petco AKC certified dog trainer, former trainer and kennel attendant at a little family owned boarding and training facility, I currently work at Petsmart as a dog trainer but will be taking a break. During this break I'm furthering my education in dog training and working on getting my Pet CPR and First Aid certification. And as a former Chic-Fil-A employee, I must say, it would also be my pleasure to take care of a few of your pups in the process!
I'm 23, I'm married to a programmer, (Caleb, 22) and together we have our one year old German Shepherd, Strider.
Whether you need me to let them out and have a thirty minute play session or you need me to spend an hour with them doing a fun activity (like bringing my doggy splash pad!) and then give them a bath and train. WHATEVER is needed. I have various activities that I do with my own dog that I could certainly bring to do with yours as well. I love to keep the dogs entertained, whether it be mental (training, puzzle toys) or physical (running, walking) stimulation AKA I wanna cure any bordem and release any pent up energy! I want them to get the interactions and exercise that they need to be balanced.
Animals make me forget about all the wrong in the world. They are so innocent. I don't think there's anything better than bonding with them and making sure they know they're loved in the only ways we can.
Check-in's and visits include: at least 1 hour of feeding and refilling water if needed, play, hanging out with your pet, tidying of their space, etc...
Dog walking includes: potty break, refilling water or feeding if necessary, and every dog has different energy levels so this will include 30 minutes to an hour of a walk (or outdoor play if you have a fenced in yard), depending on the dog. If they tire out to quickly outside or get too distracted by surrounds, we will do some mental activities instead. And for the rainy days... I can bring indoor activities and keep them entertained!
Bathing and grooming: Shampoo, brushes, etc.. must be supplied by you and I will only do with dogs that are comfortable. No nail tools are needed, I have those!
Training: I start with basic commands if you have no specific requirements (sit, down, come when called, wait, leash walking, etc). However I can do crate, potty, obedience, and trick training!
4 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Fish
My availability calendar is valid through 7/16/2022
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