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Kelly S., Pet Care Provider in Williamston, SC 29697 with 11 years paid experience

Kelly S. Pet Care Provider in Williamston, SC 29697

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Williamston, SC

11 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within five months

Check-ins and visits $14 per visit

Kelly’s Bio

As a mom of 4 feline fur babies (and several fish) I understand how difficult it is to leave them in the care of a stranger. No one can love them like you do! I have previous work experience as a vet tech so dogs and cats are my specialty. I am also able to administer medication if needed. I recently lost my 14 yr old puppy, caring for little old men and ladies us not a problem either. I am currently a stay at home mom which allows my schedule to be flexible. I can also accommodate last minute requests. I will provide the best care possible, as if they were my own.


11 years of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Fish
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Kelly S.
Kelly S.
Williamston, SC 29697

years experience

Check-ins and visits $14 per visit

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