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Robin C., Pet Care Provider in Elloree, SC 29047 with 2 years paid experience

Robin C. Pet Care Provider in Elloree, SC 29047

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Elloree, SC

2 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within five months

Dog Walking $30 for 30 minute walk

Robin’s Bio

In 47 and have lived in Elloree for 34 years. I have 2 grown kids and have always had cats and dogs in my life. I worked at food lion for 28 years but really need a change. I’ve always said pets are better than people. We don’t deserve them


2 years of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
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Robin C.
Robin C.
Elloree, SC 29047

years experience

Dog Walking $30 for 30 minute walk

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