Madi P. Pet Care Provider in Tulsa, OK 74105
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
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Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
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Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
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Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Tulsa, OK
1 year paid experience
Last signed in: Within six months
Check-ins and visits $10 per visit
Madi’s Bio
I am passionate about animals. I am 100% my best self when I’m in an environment full of fur babies, even scaly ones! I have a dog of my own and a bearded dragon, I love them both as if they were my human children. I grew up in a home FULL of fur babies, I even pet sit for my parents from time to time and they have 5 dogs. I make sure all fur babies feel loved, safe and cared for!
1 year of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Reptiles Amphibians
- Fish
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