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Ikaria F., Pet Care Provider in Lawton, OK 73507 with 3 years paid experience

Ikaria F. Pet Care Provider in Lawton, OK 73507

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Lawton, OK

3 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within four months

Check-ins and visits $25 per visit

Ikaria’s Bio

I have animals of my own and I love taking them out on long walks and playing with them. I have consistently been my dog back home’s primary caregiver additionally, I have experience with up to two cats at a time. I am responsible and take care of the little details to ensure that your animal is well taken care of.


3 years of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Fish
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Ikaria F.
Ikaria F.
Lawton, OK 73507

years experience

Check-ins and visits $25 per visit

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