Lauren K. Pet Care Provider in Hampton, NH 03842
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Last completed on 10/23/2021.
Basic background check 10/23/2021
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Hampton, NH
4 years paid experience
Last signed in: Within two months
Rating (3 reviews)
Lauren was very professional and compassionate. She worked very well with my son. He is special needs and it ca...
Check-ins and visits $15 per visit
Lauren’s Bio
Hi! My name is Lauren and I'm a 19 year old college student. I have done various pet sitting jobs for friends and family, and have done a few jobs from online postings. I have 2 cats (they are 14) and an 11 year old dog, so I have grown up with animals and absolutely love cats and dogs. My primary job has been in childcare in the past two years, where I have worked as a babysitter, daycare teacher, and preschool teacher. I know that pet and child care are very different, but I think my experience with kids has me well prepared! Please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to hear from you soon! Thanks!
4 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Fish
- Small Mammals
My availability calendar is valid through 8/27/2021
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Lauren was very professional and compassionate. She worked very well with my son. He is special needs and it can make communication difficult. She worked very well with him despite his global limitations. Thank you again, Lauren!
She is so interactive and fun! Kids warm up to her really quickly. You can tell she has experience by her peaceful demeanor and ability to remain calm during a tantrum. She is really good at distracting and redirecting. Kids love her!
Deborah K. is a reference for Lauren K. | Relationship: Family | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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