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Cassandra H., Pet Care Provider in Omaha, NE 68132 with 1 year paid experience

Cassandra H. Pet Care Provider in Omaha, NE 68132

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Omaha, NE

1 year paid experience

Last signed in: Within six months

Dog Walking $20 for 30 minute walk
$30 for 60 minute walk

Cassandra’s Bio

I love dogs and have been around them since I was a baby. I currently have a super energetic golden retriever and am always taking him for walks and bike rides. I think exercising dogs and taking care of them is really necessary for happy and healthy pets and because people often have busy schedules it can be hard to meet your pets needs.
I don’t have formal experience with a company for dog walking but have watched friends and neighbors dogs while they are on vacations on and off for about a year.
My rates are negotiable!


1 year of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
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Cassandra H.
Cassandra H.
Omaha, NE 68132

years experience

Dog Walking $20 for 30 minute walk
$30 for 60 minute walk

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