Andrea E. Pet Care Provider in Jacksonville, NC 28546
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Last completed on 03/18/2019.
Basic background check 03/18/2019
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Jacksonville, NC
10 years paid experience
Last signed in: Within two months
Rating (1 review)
Andrea has been watching my 2 children for almost a year now. My kids love her! I have a 3 yr old boy and a 1 yr...
Check-ins and visits $30 per visit
Andrea’s Bio
I have personal experience with many Animals and they are my first love. I am 40 with grown children so my schedule is very flexible. Feel free to call or text with any questions. I also have many personel and prof references. Thanks Andrea
10 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Birds
- Dogs
- Cats
- Fish
- Reptiles Amphibians
- Exotic pets
My availability calendar is valid through 11/4/2013
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Andrea has been watching my 2 children for almost a year now. My kids love her! I have a 3 yr old boy and a 1 yr old girl. MY son was in a daycare facility since be was very little and always hated saying goodbye, at one place out in town he would throw himself on the ground crying because he didn't want to go. At Andrea's he barely says goodbye to me! :) He's very comfortable there. Andrea does arts and crafts with the kids, takes them outside, does age appropriate educational activities and always has a very clean house. She's very organized, and extremely reliable. If you need a sitter for the long run, Andrea is a great option. We are moving to a new area and are very sad that we have to find a new provider because we know our kids will miss her and the probability of finding someone that is as great with them as her is very slim.
Stacey W. is a reference for Andrea E. | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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