Heather S. Pet Care Provider in Oxford, MS 38655
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Oxford, MS
10 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $10 per visit
Heather’s Bio
My family has had pets since I was a baby. Since I was 8, my family has bred American Eskimos. I walked, bathed, fed, and loved many litters of puppies and for a good few into full grown dogs. I have also owned cats and fish.
I used to petsit for a wonderful family that I helped out for over a year and a half. Please note that if you plan to take an extended trip I will be willing to negotiate a flat fee charge if you desire. I charge the following:
For a 30 minute stop in to walk/feed your pet(s)-$10/1 pet, $15/2 pets and $18/3 pets.
For drives further than 10 miles from Herndon, I charge an extra fee of $5/visit due to gas and time spent in traffic for this busy area.
For extra services such as mail, watering plants, extra cuddling, longer walks, cooking food, administering medication, etc.- $5/visit/service
For overnite stays I can only sit in your house because my landlord does not allow animals. For this I charge- $30/1 pet, $45/2 pets, $55/3 pets. If you require an extra stop in during the day, that visit is charged separate.
If you expect me to stay at your house for a majority of the day and night, it is $100/day but would include up to 3 walks, no fee on mileage up to 25 miles and all the extra services with the exception of administering medication plus $35/pet for more than 1 pet.
For a 30 minute stop in to play with/empty the litter/feed your pet(s)-$10/1 pet, $15/2 pets and $18/3 pets.
For drives further than 10 miles from Herndon, I charge an extra fee of $5/visit due to gas and time spent in traffic for this busy area.
For extra services such as mail, watering plants, cuddling, cooking food, administering medication, etc.- $5/visit/service
For overnite stays I can only sit in your house because my landlord does not allow animals. For this I charge- $30/1 pet, $45/2 pets, $55/3 pets. If you require an extra stop in during the day, that visit is charged separate.
If you expect me to stay at your house for a majority of the day and night, it is $100/day but would include up to 3 play times, no fee on mileage up to 25 miles and all the extra services with the exception of administering medication plus $35/pet for more than 1 pet.
For fish I charge $10/visit to stop in and feed your fish for a maximum of 5 fish, $15 for 10 fish, and $18 for 15 fish.
If you have 1-3 fish in a small bowl I can take it home with me and I will charge you $10/day.
For drives further than 10 miles, I charge an extra fee of $5/visit due to gas and time spent in traffic for this busy area.
For extra services such as mail, watering plants, administering medication, etc.- $5/visit/service
To clean your fish tank I charge $10-50 dependent on the number of fish, how large, and the amount of time spent on it. If you are gone for an extended period of time we can work out how often you would the tanks cleaned and an appropriate price.
I do not do overnite stays for fishsitting unless you require housesitting as well. Please see my housesitting profile for prices.
Please note that you will be responsible for any costs incurred with caring for your animal such as food, medication, vet visits, etc. For trips longer than a weekend, you will be required to give information on the pets vet and call the vet to notify them.
10 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Fish
My availability calendar is valid through 6/20/2015
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