Lily L. Pet Care Provider in Duluth, MN 55804
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
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Duluth, MN
2 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $20 per visit
Lily’s Bio
My name is Lily and I used to volunteer for the Humane Society when I was in high school. It started by my cat biting a child who was harassing her and she was afraid. My aunt was going to sue me and I told her to bring it on! I had to move my cat from my "home" during the time and place her with the Humane Society so she wouldn't be killed when I was at school or work. Mind you I was 16. I learned how to give a cat shots when I worked with the man who ran that Humane Society. I later in life found out that he was hoarding cats because they were a no kill shelter and they didn't have any facilities at the time I volunteered for them even 💔. He was just a kind man who really wanted to save all the stray cats and dogs. I volunteered during adoption days at pet owners actually as well. I think Todd was just overwhelmed with animals and didn't know where to find help without them all being put to sleep. It makes sense why the cat named snowball i took back with my cat when my mom finally got us our own apartment acted as she had.
Myself I'm a previous Cat owner of ten years. I had to give up my furbaby for my biological child's allergies were horrible we found out that around the ago of 2. I was devastated to surrender her. She was going to be my only child in life, my mom actually had to bring Sativa to me while I was on bed rest in the hospital for 7 day because of pre-term labor with my twins. The some of the nurses seemed as if they hated working that floor because of rude comments i got when I asked for the fan after the meds were given to stop labor. Bi only asked for one because they said i could and told me about the hot flash side effects. But anyway about my FURBABY SATIVA She was the only thing that could calm me down. So I made my mom bring her in the car for a visit. That made the last 4 days bearable for myself.
I worked on training a pitbull in my recent years that was at my home for a brief period of time and that was going really well too! So I'm open for training dogs as well. But not puppies I apologize I'm done with diapers and poop and peeing on floors with my twins! LOL
(Please please tell me if my rates are low or too high!! I've never applied for a job like this before but always wanted to just figured out how!)
2 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds
- Fish
- Small Mammals
My availability calendar is valid through 8/31/2021
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