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Sara K., Pet Care Provider in Andover, MN 55304 with 10 years paid experience

Sara K. Pet Care Provider in Andover, MN 55304

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Andover, MN

10 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within a month

Dog Walking $20 for 30 minute walk

Sara’s Bio

Why do you love working with pets?
I’ve always had a deep connection with animals, especially dogs. There's something incredibly rewarding about building a bond through training and understanding their behaviors. Working with pets allows me to be part of their development, helping them thrive and communicate effectively with their human companions. With dogs, it's not just about teaching commands—it’s about creating a relationship based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

What experience do you have?
I grew up training my own hunting dogs, which gave me a solid foundation in dog behavior and obedience. From a young age, I learned how to work with various breeds, tailoring training methods to suit their temperaments and abilities. Over time, this experience evolved to include general obedience, scent work, and building strong recall and response skills, all crucial for hunting dogs. My hands-on experience has taught me how to troubleshoot behavioral issues and adapt training techniques based on each dog’s unique needs.

What skills and training do you have with dogs?
I’ve developed a comprehensive skill set when it comes to dog training, particularly with working and hunting dogs. I’m skilled in:

Basic and advanced obedience training (sit, stay, come, etc.)
Positive reinforcement techniques
Leash walking and recall training
Specialized training for hunting dogs, including scent detection, pointing, and retrieving
Behavioral issue management (e.g., separation anxiety, aggressive behavior, etc.)
Using training tools (e-collars, whistles, etc.) effectively and humanely


10 years of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
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Sara K.
Sara K.
Andover, MN 55304

years experience

Dog Walking $20 for 30 minute walk

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