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Kylie P., Pet Care Provider in Frederick, MD 21701 with 2 years paid experience

Kylie P. Pet Care Provider in Frederick, MD 21701

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Frederick, MD

2 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within two months

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

Kylie’s Bio

Hello! I am an 18 year old high school and college student, I am studying to become a veterinary technician. Caring for animals has always been a passion of mine, i love working with pets because it feels like second nature. I have been dog walking around my neighborhood for about 3 years. I also have prior experience working at a pet kennel, my duties were walking dogs (of all sizes), changing litter, playtime with the dogs, and cleaning the kennels.


2 years of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Reptiles Amphibians
  • Small Mammals
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Kylie P.
Kylie P.
Frederick, MD 21701

years experience

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

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