Tina A. Pet Care Provider in Gardner, MA 01440
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
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Gardner, MA
7 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $0 per visit
Tina’s Bio
Tina’s Bio
I am a single, stay-at-home mom of a daughter, now in her 2nd yr of college. We live in Gardner, together with... Maggie Mae, 10-yr old Boston Terrier (spayed & up to date vet checked/vaccinations)- a happy little girl of only 11-1/2 pounds, and doesn't realize she isn't still a puppy! She has been with us since 9-wks old... Daisy, a 10-yr old Chihuahua/Min Pin mixed breed "Chi Pin"! (spayed & up to date vet checked/vaccinations)- our very sweet girl, eager to please, and weighing 7 pounds. We adopted her from a rescue, at the age of 18-months... Sophie (domestic housecat), is the most young-at-heart "senior" ever, at 15-yrs old! She's very healthy, loves to play, and I'm sure she's got a good many of her 9-lives in reserve! She's been with us since 8-wks... and lastly, the newest addition to our family - Lilac (domestic housecat), she turned 2 in July- and is still quite kitten-ish~ She is very curious, loves playtime, is very vocal, and keeps Daisy's head and ears well groomed! She also has been with us since 8-wks. As you can see, we are a very animal loving household! In the past we also have had hamsters, guinea pigs, a chinchilla, and even little aqua-baby frogs! My experience with animals goes well beyond those who are part of our family, I also have much experience with pet sitting. I had cared for another Boston Terrier for 3-yrs, overnight at my house during times that his owner was away. He had very much become part of our family, spending many days with us each month. As well, I cared for his 2 "cat siblings", in their own home- this also offered me an opportunity to keep an eye on the house, bring in the mail, water plants, etc. I am a kind and caring person by nature. I am very nuturing, and never lack patience. I am honest and reliable- also very flexible, and most often am able to accommodate care on short notice. Please note that I’ve not listed specific rates, as there may be determining factors such as distance. Together with your input, I will always work out a fair rate!
7 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Small Mammals
- Other
My availability calendar is valid through 5/11/2019
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