Marie W. Pet Care Provider in Springfield, IL 62702
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Last completed on 08/18/2020.
Basic background check 08/18/2020
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Springfield, IL
4 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $50 per visit
Marie’s Bio
[September 2017] – [April 2019]
[Weekend Barn Manager] | [Double Eagle Ranch] | [Elsberry, MO]
Overseeing the care of over 50 animals (horses, draft horses, mules, donkeys, miniatures, two goats, one dog, and several cats) beginning with feeding and turn out from 6:30-8:00am, mucking stalls/yards between 8-11am, lunch if I am lucky, riding some client horses, checking pasture boarded horses for scrapes/cuts/unusual behavior, reaching out to boarders if there is a problem, and bringing in/feeding from 3:30-5pm. I have only had two serious incidents in the year I have worked. One was a colicky horse and the other was a mare who had gotten her leg wrapped around some fencing.
[October 2015] – [August 2017]
[Barn Manager] | [Emmaus Crossroads] | [Freeburg, IL]
Overseeing the complete care and de-worming/vaccine schedules of seven horses, three llamas, an alpaca, a goat, a rabbit, a dozen hens/ducks, four dogs and a cat while the owner focused on the business end of the therapy center. I also gave beginner riding lessons on the weekends as well as taking on horses needing some retraining.
[Wrangler] | [Camp Ondessonk] | [Ozark, IL]
Feeding and tacking fifty horses a day to take kids out on trail rides and for our horse adventure campers. I also attended this camp as a kid before working for a year. We learned how to go out on pack trips.
[2002 - 2011]
[Barn Rat/Summer Camp Counselor] | [Rip-O-Wind Farm] | [Spring Grove, IL]
This is where I learned mostly all my horsemanship growing up. I spent all my days/extra time at the barn and volunteered my help during the summer for our kids program.
Awards & Acknowledgements
• CHA Level 2 Riding Instructor certified in 2016.
• Inducted into the Lodge of Tekawitha (sacred ceremony) at Camp
Ondessonk after catching a runaway horse deep in the Shawnee.
4 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Horses
- Farm Animals
- Small Mammals
My availability calendar is valid through 8/18/2020
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