Bob H. Pet Care Provider in Naperville, IL 60540
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
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Motor vehicle records check
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Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Military Veteran Branch of Service: Army
Military Veteran Branch of Service: Army
Naperville, IL
1 year paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $25 per visit
Bob’s Bio
I was lucky to have 16 dogs the past 44 years, The first ones were a Bassett Hound and English Springer Spaniel. When I decided on doing some upland game hunting, my wife and I decided on getting a German Shorthair Pointer, She ended up being a championship dog in field trialing (I had her trained) but unfortunately ended up dying at a young age, We got another one and she turned out to be the top 2 year old dog in the country in field trialing in the late 1980's. . We are just normal people but with our success with shorthairs, the field trialing community wanted us to take another shorthair, do whatever we did while it was young and in our care, and return it to a trainer. After saying no many times, we said we'd take another shorthair. But of course we couldn't give her up. We still field trialed her (her name was Flashdance Ginny) and she turned out to be the all time winningest german shorthair pointer ever in field trialing in the early 1990's
We ended up with some of her pups and well as some pups from our second shorthair. I continued to hunt all the shorthairs I had.
While I've never officially been a "pet sitter", I've taken care of dogs most of my life. Our dogs were always part of the family and lived inside. I have taken care of my son's Golden Lab for years which I suppose could be deemed "pet sitting." I've given shots, clipped toe nails, brushed them, fed them, cleaned up after them, taken them to the vet and even removed porcupine quills from one shorthair's nose when she got too close.
While I've had the high powered hunting and field trail dogs, the last two I had were rescue dogs. The last one was 16 years old when we had to say goodbye. We loved her just as much.
In summary, I feel I am very qualified to be a "pet sitter." I have the knowledge to interact with any breed dog. I'm very comfortable with any dog in any situation.
1 year of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
My availability calendar is valid through 10/15/2016
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