Olivia W. Pet Care Provider in Aurora, IL 60505
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Aurora, IL
2 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $20 per visit
Olivia’s Bio
Hi I’m Olivia! l've had both dogs and cats growing up and I absolutely love them. I currently have 2 cats and 1 dog and they are my babies. I love to take care of animals and make them as happy as can be! I have taken care of many breeds of dogs and all kinds of cats. I can keep up your fur baby's routine so they are as comfortable as possible while you're away. I am able to bathe, feed, walk, cuddle, and play with your pets!
I'm an artist so my schedule is very flexible and I am usually able to fit your needs very well. I like the have the extra income and exercise and this is the perfect way to do it. Not to mention the free furry love that comes with it!
I am always attentive to a dogs behavior, especially out in public. I make it my priority to stick the the schedule a client gives me because I know how dogs can be when we're away. With cats I am always quick to clean the litter box and make sure to get them plenty of play and exercise.
2 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds
- Fish
- Farm Animals
- Reptiles Amphibians
- Small Mammals
My availability calendar is valid through 4/18/2023
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Trisha N. is a reference for Olivia W. | Relationship: Client | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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