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Nicole B., Pet Care Provider in Homestead, FL 33035 with 1 year paid experience

Nicole B. Pet Care Provider in Homestead, FL 33035

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Homestead, FL

1 year paid experience

Last signed in: Within three months

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

Nicole’s Bio

i love working with pets because they are the cutest thing ever. i love animals i have 3 pets at my house.i have 2 dogs and a cat i always take care of them for my mom the cat is mine i always make sure they are walked at the time that they are supposed to and feed them at the time they are supposed to be fed. i bathe them when they need it as well or sometimes when my grandparents need me to take care of their dogs i am always willing to. i’m a person that love animals even though i dont have experience with other peoples pets i am always willing take care of anyone’s pets and treat them with love the way that i would with my own.


1 year of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
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Nicole B.
Nicole B.
Homestead, FL 33035

years experience

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

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