Nicole B. Pet Care Provider in Homestead, FL 33035
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Homestead, FL
1 year paid experience
Last signed in: Within three months
Check-ins and visits $20 per visit
Nicole’s Bio
i love working with pets because they are the cutest thing ever. i love animals i have 3 pets at my house.i have 2 dogs and a cat i always take care of them for my mom the cat is mine i always make sure they are walked at the time that they are supposed to and feed them at the time they are supposed to be fed. i bathe them when they need it as well or sometimes when my grandparents need me to take care of their dogs i am always willing to. i’m a person that love animals even though i dont have experience with other peoples pets i am always willing take care of anyone’s pets and treat them with love the way that i would with my own.
1 year of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
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