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Michelle B., Pet Care Provider in Bradenton, FL 34202 with 1 year paid experience

Michelle B. Pet Care Provider in Bradenton, FL 34202

Looking for work as a pet care provider.

Bradenton, FL

1 year paid experience

Last signed in: Within a month

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

Michelle’s Bio

My name is Michelle and I am a dedicated and passionate pet sitter with a lifelong love for animals. As a proud dog owner myself, I understand how much your furry family members mean to you and the importance of providing them with the best care possible.

I have hands-on experience working for a professional pet care company, where I gained valuable expertise visiting, walking, and playing with a variety of animals. From energetic puppies to calm senior pets, I have built a solid foundation in handling different temperaments and tailoring my care to their unique needs.

My services include:

• Dog Walking: Ensuring your pet gets the exercise and fresh air they need.
• Playtime: Engaging activities to keep your pets happy, active, and entertained.
• Daily Visits: Providing feeding, companionship, and care while you’re away.

I pride myself on being reliable, attentive, and compassionate, with a strong focus on your pet’s well-being and comfort. Whether your furry friend needs a brisk walk, a playful afternoon, or a calming visit, I am here to provide loving care as if they were my own.

Let’s ensure your pets are safe, happy, and well-cared for while you’re away! I look forward to meeting you and your beloved companions.


1 year of paid experience

Experience with:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
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Michelle B.
Michelle B.
Bradenton, FL 34202

years experience

Check-ins and visits $20 per visit

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