Leona B. Pet Care Provider in Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Dog First Aid Training
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
Dog First Aid Training
Dog CPR Training
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
Dog CPR Training
Colorado Springs, CO
13 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Check-ins and visits $25 per visit
Leona’s Bio
I am a Positive reinforcement certified dog trainer available to give your dog or other animals a great experience while you are away.I have been an animal lover my entire life. I have been petting sitting for over 10 years, work at and managed a doggie daycare/overnight facility and recently certified myself as a positive reinforcement dog trainer. I love getting to know each dog on a individual level and enjoy building a trusting relationship with them. I truly know how much time, work and commitment these 4-legged friends need to have a fulfilling life and to have success living with their humans. I have a lot of knowledge on behavior, health and first aid. I can guarantee I’ll make their experience the best I can and take them in as my own family. I can accommodate any special requests and will always send updates and pictures and have a variety of curriculum to make there stay the best I can.
I strive in providing a loving, safe and fun experience for the dogs I’m caring for and making owners feel comfortable and at ease while they are away from them.
13 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds
- Fish
- Horses
- Farm Animals
- Reptiles Amphibians
- Exotic pets
- Small Mammals
- Other
My availability calendar is valid through 6/4/2020
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Rebekah S. is a reference for Leona B. | Relationship: Co-worker | Join Now to Contact Reference |
Paula W. is a reference for Leona B. | Relationship: Client | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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