Adamary C. Pet Care Provider in Torrance, CA 90502
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Torrance, CA
2 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Dog Walking
$15 for 30 minute walk
$30 for 60 minute walk
Adamary’s Bio
my name is adamary, I love pets I own 2 dogs myself.I often walk my friend's dogs or sit them at their house and do some necessities for them like feed, play, and watch them. In the past, I have also bathed them if requested at the owner's house with all supplies presented. I also babysit children from ages 2-15. I have experience with some month-old babies but I mainly focus on older children.I love caring for kids and presenting all the needs that are required for them.i personally take care of 3 of my siblings one is 10 the other is 8 she was diagnosed with autism, so she requires patience and a deep understanding. My younger sibling is 3 years old he is very active and playful. i care for them every day while my parents work.I cook food for them like eggs pancakes sausages rice beans healthy snacks like bread and peanut butter or bananas, I give them fruits and water to stay hydrated but if specified to make a certain food I could make it.I also manage to find activities for them to do for example coloring playing with a ball or board games and puzzles and if the children are allowed to play with electronics I can monitor their time allowed on it. I would love to be given a chance to care for your child/children as I care for my own. if you have any further questions you can email me at adamary.carlos076@gmail.com
2 years of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds
- Fish
- Small Mammals
My availability calendar is valid through 3/31/2021
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Trustline is California's official background check for license-exempt child care providers (i.e. babysitters and nannies) and the only authorized screening program in California with access to fingerprint records at the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and access to the California Child Abuse Central Index. The Trustline registry toll-free telephone number is 1-800-822-8490.
Pursuant to Section 1596.859 of the Health and Safety Code, parents have the right to receive information regarding any substantiated or inconclusive complaint about licensed child care providers. That information is public and can be acquired by visiting the California Department of Social Services' Internet Web site at "www.cdss.ca.gov".
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