Whitney R. Pet Care Provider in Mesa, AZ 85210
Looking for work as a pet care provider.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Mesa, AZ
1 year paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Dog Walking
$20 for 30 minute walk
$40 for 60 minute walk
Whitney’s Bio
Hi my name is Whitney and I am a single mother to a beautiful nine year old girl and we are from California. We moved to Arizona for a new life adventure and becAuse I enjoy the heat ;). So far its been a little tough getting settled and have been looking for any type of work I can get. I have grown up always having pets, mostly dogs. When I lost my last dog its been really hard thinking about having another one because of the pain it caused. I feel a job walking dogs or even watching after them would be a great gig for me. I don't have any certifications however if given the chance I don't believe anyone would be disappointed in me. Ive been around hundreds of dogs and only been in one situation where a dog in our family had bit me and still I dont fear them and love them even more. I don't have professional experience training but have also never had an issue with a dog not listening or taking me for a walk instead. Again im just looking for someone to consider me and give me a shot at it. I mean how do I get that experience if im not given a chance?. I am looking for work that can help with the bills but really I'm wanting work where I can finally be happy with what I do. I went to school to become a barber but unfortunately thats been put on hold because of having to transfer to a new state. I feel things happen for a reason and maybe I was brought here to help someone else first. Ive worked very hard to get where I'm at and still struggle but I never stop pushing and never stop fighting. I stay as positive as possible to keep myself going. I thank you for your time in reading this and hope to learn more throughout this application.
Looking at the following questions, I do not know reasonable pricing for services so please forgive me if it seems high. If considered I would be happy with the prices entered below. Thank you.
1 year of paid experience
Experience with:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds
- Fish
My availability calendar is valid through 6/23/2021
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Jeff L. is a reference for Whitney R. | Relationship: Former Employer | Join Now to Contact Reference |
Deborah N. is a reference for Whitney R. | Relationship: Former Employer | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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