3 Pet Care Jobs Found
- $20/visit
- South Hadley, MA • 22 miles away
Visit backyard ducks, feed, change waters,...
- 4+ pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
- S
Start date: 02/02
7:30am - 8:30am
Looking for a kind and responsible person to care for our 5 pet ducks and one chicken while we are away from 2/2-2/5/2025.
They will need to be let out in the morning and put away at night and have their food and multiple waters changed, and dry hay adderd to their bedding.
Food will be... More
- $16/visit
- Mansfield, CT • 19 miles away
Daily visit to play & take outside
- 1 pet
- Check-Ins/Visits
- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
11:00am - 12:00pm
I need someone to come and let out my puppy of his cage, take him outside to use the bathroom. I also need someone to feed him, play with him for about 20-30 minutes and wait until he poops and pee’s. I would need someone to come Monday- Friday between 11am-1pm. Additionally, I may need someone to... More
- $10/night
- South Windsor, CT • 24 miles away
Occasional Pet sitter
- 1 pet
- Overnight Pet Care
On an as-needed basis
Ocassional pet sitter for one golden retriever and one shiba inu. 7 years old and 1 year old. They are friendly.