2 Pet Care Jobs Found
- $20/visit
- South Hadley, MA • 20 miles away
Visit backyard ducks, feed, change waters,...
- 4+ pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
- S
Start date: 02/02
7:30am - 8:30am
Looking for a kind and responsible person to care for our 5 pet ducks and one chicken while we are away from 2/2-2/5/2025.
They will need to be let out in the morning and put away at night and have their food and multiple waters changed, and dry hay adderd to their bedding.
Food will be... More
- $20/60 min walk
- Ashfield, MA • 4 miles away
Senior dog walks
- 1 pet
- Dog Walking
- W
1:00pm - 2:00pm
My beautiful white shepherd is 10 years old and needs a walker
once a week usually on Wednesdays. I do occasionally have other needs if I have appointments at the end of the day, I would actually prefer the walk to be no more than about 30 or 40 minutes.