3 Pet Care Jobs Found
- $25/night
- Newark, DE • Less than a mile
BABYSITTER for Vacation for a week
- 1 pet
- Overnight Pet Care
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- F
Start date: 03/06 - 03/07
5:30pm - Overnight (flexible)
Will need a provider for a Week MARCH 6 TO mARCH 14 IN THE nEWARK, de AREA
i WILL BE PROVIDING THE FOOD AND THE PET USING A PEE PAD BUT WILL GO OUTSIDE TO DO HER BUSY . sHE IS 7 YEARS OLD. tHE DOG is called (Princess) and weights about 8lbs. SHe is a bichon Frise and chihuahua (CHI CHON).
- $20/day
- Pennsville, NJ • 13 miles away
Dog bathroom break and short walk
- 1 pet
- Pet Care
- T
- W
- T
12:00pm - 1:00pm
need a person good with puppies to come 3 times a week(specific days yet to be determined) to let dog out to relieve himself and play with him and or take for a short walk.
- $20/60 min walk
- Newark, DE • 5 miles away
Dog walking
- 1 pet
- Dog Walking
- W
12:00am - 1:00am
Walk small dog my daughter has a small dog and a 1 year old in the past year she has been having issues walking the dog and he really needs it