2 Pet Care Jobs Found
- $15/visit
- Hanford, CA • 23 miles away
Checking up on one dog and cat whle on...
- 2 pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
On an as-needed basis
Making sure my pets are safe and have food/water while on vacation. Access only to back yard. Thank you!
- $30/visit
- Fresno, CA • 22 miles away
My zoo needs food while I am away. :)
- 4+ pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
On an as-needed basis
I have 4 dogs, 2 cats and 7 birds. I will be leaving town on Dec. 24th and returning late in the day on the 29th. So, I need someone to come in in the mornings to feed everyone. My cats are indoors only, the dogs have a doggy door, and the birds can be fed from outside of their cages. All... More