Sittercity Adventures is a game-changer when it comes to the child care options that families have. There are a million reasons to love Adventures, but here are the main ones:

Why Kids Will Love Adventures

They’re Exciting

Kids love to have something to look forward to. However, sometimes the anticipation of a new sitter can make them nervous. Adventures help to break that ice because they’re a fun combination of what both sitters and kids are interested in.

They Get To Try New Things

There’s so much to discover in the wide world and sometimes kids just want to be able to experience it all. Adventures give them the opportunity to try things they’ve never had the opportunity to do before.

They’re Unique

The thoughtfully-crafted Adventures sitters make are a bit more special than the typical time spent with a sitter. Kids will love browsing the options that local sitters are offering because they’ll most likely have never seen anything like it before.

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Why Parents Will Love Adventures

Get More For Your Kids With Less Work

From beginning to end, Adventures are packed with enriching activities (whether your kid realizes it or not) that help you get the most out of needing child care coverage.

Learning Through Play – Critical thinking, creative innovation, communication, confidence, content knowledge, collaboration—the 6 c’s of how kids learn through play.

Dedicated Developmental Support – A sitter spending one-on-one time with your kids can focus on encouraging key elements of your child’s growth and development. Sitters can customize the Adventure to fit exactly what your child needs.

Flexibility To Thrive At Home – The convenience of having child care in your home is unmatched. Now you can also expand their interests and experiences without having to carpool somewhere.

Test New Interests Without Long-Term Investment

We want our kids to try new things—it’s how they discover new interests and grow as a person. However, we can sometimes be gun-shy in committing to an 8-week camp or a 3-month class package when we’re not even sure our kid will want to come back after the first session.

With Adventures, not only do you get enriching child care in your home, but you can also use it to test out the budding interests your child may have. Use Adventures as the test run before you sign up for a ballet class, get a ninja gym membership, or send them to space camp.

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Find A Better Match

When looking for child care for our kids, we want to find someone who is going to be a great fit with the entire family—but especially the kids. It’s who they will be spending a lot of their time with, so the connection between sitter and child is important in making child care work.

Sitters create Adventures based on their own interests and passions, but with inspiration from what kids enjoy. This makes it a lot easier for you to find sitters who share the same interests as your child. So when your child gets excited about a particular Adventure, it’s relieving to know they already have something in common.

The best way to find out what your family will love best about Adventures is to simply try it! Start browsing what your local sitters have posted and book your first one today.

Foster your child's interests!

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