There are many ways to celebrate Mother’s Day—typically it’s done through gifts and special activities (or nonactivities). We invite you to indulge in some of the best humor the internet has to offer: memes about motherhood. Humor has a way of capturing our feelings so poignantly that we feel a little more seen and understood.

Blue banner with text saying "When cuddles can't wait until the meeting is over" and showing a caregiver holding a smiling baby.

  1. a picture of lots of baby owls with their mouths open and a caption that says "candy wrapper makes that crinkle sound. kids"
  2. caption: when a mom tries to walk anywhere in the house. image: mother duck being followed by many ducklings.
  3. image: adam sandler in a classroom with kids | caption: me in my kid's zoom classroom trying to relearn 3rd grade math
  4. caption: Me: stay in your own bed tonight, ok? 3 yr old: ok mommy, i promise. 3am: | image: baby cheetah on top of a mother cheetah
  5. image a of a tweet: me: being a mommy is a very important job. 3-year-old daughter: does it pay a lot? me: it doesn't pay anything. 3: I'll be a mailman.
  6. motherhood is being the snack holder for children no matter how fabulous you look | image: beyonce holding snack for blue ivy carter
  7. image of a paper with writing on it: Mum is in a meeting 9:30-11. Do Not Enter! The answer to your question might be: upstairs, in the wash, I don't know what's for dinner, No, In your bedroom, piece of fruit
  8. image of a tweet: people without kids during quarantine: "what ten hobbies should I pick up?" parents: "This 5 minutes to myslef from 10:55-11pm has really been nice."
  9. caption: the first time you hear "mom!" | image: a happy smiling face | caption: the 7,567th time | image: woman grabbing her face in frustration
  10. image text: the fastest land mammal is a toddler who's been asked wha't in their mouth.
  11. I'm pretty sure moms are part of some sort of scientific experiment to prove that sleep is not a crucial part of survival
  12. image of a tweet: I got really tired of feeling like I'm constantly telling my kids 'no' so I decided to switch things up: Monday-nope, Tuesday-you wish, Wednesday-hard pass, Thursday-no way, Friday-Nah, Saturday-Hell naw, Sunday-oh heavens no. I think it'll really boost morale around here.
  13. caption: waking up after the baby slept through the night for the first time. | image: robin williams in jumanji asking "what year is it?"
  14. caption: me: I can't wait for the kids to go to bed so I can finally get stuff done. Me (10 minutes after they pass out): | image: a woman sound asleep and drooling
  15. me when my kid trips over the toy i asked him to pick up 100 times | image: justin timberlake trying to hide a laugh


Yellow banner with text saying "When your meeting time is during snack time" and showing a caregiver holding a bowl of fruit while a school-age girl enjoys some.


  1. bathroom break they will find you | image: a small hand is coming from underneath the door
  2. I used to see this as an innocent little sharpie but as a mom, i now know it is a weapon of mass destruction
  3. parent math. ok, the birthday party starts at 1 so we need to leave by 12:15 but we need to stop and get a gift os we really need to leave by 12 so we need to start getting everyone ready by 11. wait, what about lunch, are they serving lunch? we are already running late.
  4. how moms feel after an uninterrupted shower | image: cinderella transforming into the dress for the ball
  5. you've never played hide and seek until you've played it with these guys | image: sippy cup and pacifier
  6. other moms cruising by in white land rovers with eyeliner on and fresh blowouts and im just dragging the garbage cans back to the house like... | Image: napoleon dynamite waving
  7. when you hear your kids wake up in the it begins | image: gandalf from the lord of the rings
  8. the reason you get 27 baby blankets at your baby showers is so that you can strategically place the tiny pieces of fabric into a makeshitf quilt over your shivering body while you lay on your child's bedroom floor in the middle of the night
  9. when i see a mom with a tantrum-throwing toddler in public | image: katniss everdeen giving a solidarity signal
  10. motherhood with one kid: | image: sandy from the movie grease | a few kids later: | image: rizzo from the movie grease
  11. my kids asking me a million questions. | image: regina george from mean girls saying "why are you so obsessed with me?"


Pink banner with text saying "When your logistics hero also tells the best jokes" and showing a babysitter holding a toddler while they both laugh.


  1. finally have a fancy girls night out but still end up looking like a mom | image: mom jeans skit from snl
  2. me every night: I'm going to wake up before the baby, take a shower and have some coffee. me and my baby every morning: | image: baby elephant sleeping on top of a mommy elephant
  3. why i am late. always. | imgae: lots of kids shoes with no matching pairs
  4. kids catch you in the kitchen..."what's in your mouth?" and im standing there like, nothing... | image: squirrel with stuffed cheeks

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