Rhode Island Nannies Rhode Island may be the smallest state by area, but there are plenty of Nannies. Nannies in Rhode Island A Ashaway Nannies B Barrington Nannies Bradford Nannies Bristol Nannies C Carolina Nannies Central Falls Nannies Charlestown Nannies Chepachet Nannies Clayville Nannies Coventry Nannies Cranston Nannies Cumberland Nannies E East Greenwich Nannies East Providence Nannies Exeter Nannies F Foster Nannies G Greene Nannies Greenville Nannies H Harrisville Nannies Hope Nannies Hope Valley Nannies Hopkinton Nannies J Jamestown Nannies Johnston Nannies K Kenyon Nannies Kingston Nannies L Lincoln Nannies Little Compton Nannies M Manville Nannies Mapleville Nannies Middletown Nannies N Narragansett Nannies Newport Nannies North Kingstown Nannies North Providence Nannies North Scituate Nannies North Smithfield Nannies O Oakland Nannies P Pascoag Nannies Pawtucket Nannies Portsmouth Nannies Providence Nannies R Riverside Nannies Rumford Nannies S Saunderstown Nannies Shannock Nannies Slatersville Nannies Smithfield Nannies T Tiverton Nannies W Wakefield Nannies Warren Nannies Warwick Nannies West Greenwich Nannies West Kingston Nannies West Warwick Nannies Westerly Nannies Wood River Junction Nannies Woonsocket Nannies Wyoming Nannies