part time sitter for an animated 5 year old
Posted by Janet S. on 10/22/2024
- 1 child (Preschool)
- $16.00 - $20.00 per hour
My daughter just moved to Warner Robins with a new job she has a five year old in school
my daughters job has hours in the evening and on weekends so we will need someone with flexible hours
this job would be excellent for a college student or someone who works morning available if sitter would like to stay over on late nights after my daughter gets home.
babysit my grandaughter help with small amount of schoolwork fix snack and evening meal get ready for bed
sitter needs are gated and within minutes to area grocery store, 5 minutes to my grandaughter's school and 5 minutes to my daughter's place of employment.
- Sitter has own car
- Help with homework
- Prepare Snacks/Meals
- Bedtime
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