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Pet Care Jobs Near 91383

6 Pet Care Jobs Found

  • $30/60 min walk
  • Hollywood, CA • 18 miles away

Dog Walking Terrier Mix, March - June and...

  • 1 pet
  • Dog Walking
  • M
  • W
  • F


12:30pm - 1:30pm (flexible)


I am seeking someone to walk my five-year-old Terrier mix, Sandy, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (or a similar schedule). Due to a schedule change lasting at least until the end of June, I need someone to walk Sandy midday while I am at work. She will be fed before the walk, and you... More

  • $60/night
  • Studio City, CA • 15 miles away

Lincoln cat care

  • 1 pet
  • Overnight Pet Care


On an as-needed basis

I need a cat sitters who LIKES CATS. Someone who will play with Lincoln and pets him, feeds him and brushes htim.
I don't need someone who goes away, checks in at the end of the day or ignores him.
Please call me.

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