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Find a Housekeeping Job in Chantilly, VA

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6 Housekeeping Jobs Found

  • Sterling, VA • 8 miles away

Regular house cleaning

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12:00am - 3:00am (flexible)

Looking for a good service for regular house cleaning that can be detailed oriented. We are looking to cover 4 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 3 full & 1 half bathrooms. The service should clean, dust well, all floors & clean windows. Clean bathrooms. Clean kitchen including sink,... More

  • Burke, VA • 15 miles away

Home maintenance assitance

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10:00am - 1:00pm (flexible)

I work full time - 50% from home so sometimes I can run a load of laundry here or there, but I am often very busy even when I am working from home and my husband works nonstop so it's usually just me doing the meal prep, laundry, cleaning, shopping, bath time, bedtime. If I could get help with some... More

  • Chantilly, VA • Less than a mile

Clean the house


Dust all furniture, shelves, and decor
Dust window ledges and blinds
Dust lamps, light fixtures, and ceiling fans
Dust baseboards
Wipe down doors and doorframes
Clean out all corners (top and bottom) for cobwebs
Tidy shoe closets
Vacuum all floors, carpets,... More

  • Sterling, VA • 12 miles away

Trustworthy Cleaning Staff Needed


12:00am - 4:00am (flexible)

Hello! I am looking for someone to come every week or every other week to clean my house.

My home is 3 stories 4500 sq ft 4 bedrooms. We have a small, hypoallergenic (non-shedding) dog and no kids. My husband and I both work from home so we are flexible with day/times.

We're looking for... More

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