3 Housekeeping Jobs Found
- Denver, CO • 7 miles away
House Manager
- M
- W
- F
12:00am - 3:00am (flexible)
Family with two kids needs a house manager for general household tasks such as:
Grocery pickup
Kids' laundry
General straightening up (picking up toys, taking out trash, wiping down counters, fridge and pantry cleanout)
Other miscellaneous errands as needed (post office runs, returns,... More
- Denver, CO • 7 miles away
Basic spring cleaning. Two story house. Would love extra attention on dusting the baseboards and dusting around the toilets.
- Englewood, CO • Less than a mile
House cleaning/organizing help needed
Hello! We are looking for help keeping our house clean. Ideally, would like to start with deep cleaning and then continue with weekly or biweekly cleanings. Pay based on experienceand references. Prefer hourly rate as we are willing to pay more for more time (versus set price regardless of time... More