Shelby T. Care Companion in Mount Vernon, WA 98274
Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
First aid certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
First aid certification
CPR certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
CPR certification
Mount Vernon, WA
2 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Home Care Rates $12 per hour
Shelby’s Bio
Responsibilities -
I support physically and mentally disabled adults with their daily life. I support them to wake up in the morning and assist in bathing and any hygiene tasks as well as helping them get dressed and ready for the day. I cook all meals consumed by the clients (I do have my food handlers permit) and I am in charge of giving their medications at the appropriate times. I am a registered nursing assistant. I have one client who is immobile so I support him to get in and out of bed, into his wheelchair and his recliner as well (heavy lifting). I support all clients to their appointments. I do household cleaning in and around clients homes such as laundry, washing dishes, mowing the clients lawn, pulling weeds, mopping, vacuuming, sweeping, sanitizing appliances daily and rearranging furniture. Another task is supporting the clients to the store to spend their grocery and household checks and keeping track of their money and receipts. I do my best to encourage the clients to be involved in the community and create opportunities for them to experience the joy of living. I have great relationships with the clients I care for and feel what I do has a great importance and impact on their lives. I love what I do and I know I could do many other jobs with the knowledge and personal skills I have obtained in this career.
Age Specific Experience
2 years paid experience with:
- Under 55 years old
- 55 to 64 years old
- 65 to 74 years old
Experience with providing basic care services:
- Conversation and companionship
- Safety supervision
- Meal preparation
- Medication reminders
- Social activities
- Light housekeeping
- Exercise/Physical activities
- Laundry and linen changes
- Shopping
- Mobility assistance
Experience with providing personal care services:
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Grooming
- Feeding and special diet
- Toileting
Experience with providing individualized services:
- Medication Administration
- Medication Assistance
- Medication Management
- Grooming Guidance
- Assistance with Pets
- Meal Planning
- Nutrition Education
- Mobility Training
Experience with providing health & medical services:
- Wound Care
- Ostomy Care
Availability & Job Preferences
Availability Duration
Prefers to provide visiting care
- Temporary (4 to 12 months)
- Permanent (1 to 2 years)
- Permanent (2 or more years)
Job Duration
- Willing consider either a part time or full time position
- Start date is flexible
My availability is valid through 8/17/16
- Weekday Early Morning
- Day-time Weekdays (M - F)
- Weekday Afternoons
- Weekends Daytime
Skills & Abilities
Languages Spoken
- English
Kayla B. is a reference for Shelby T. | Relationship: Co-worker | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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