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Lisa H., Care Companion in Portland, OR 97203 with 1 year paid experience

Lisa H. Care Companion in Portland, OR 97203

Looking for part-time work as a care companion.

Portland, OR

1 year paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Home Care Rates $20 per hour

Lisa’s Bio

I was a piano teacher for most of my adult life, but after moving to Portland in 2016 I was interested in trying something different. I wanted to find part time work that was meaningful, and that I felt was contributing to my community. I signed up with a couple of online babysitting sites, and have had some long term clients over the last few years. After my most recent babysitting client moved out of state, I started working as a companion/caregiver to a 77 year old woman in downtown Portland. I truly enjoy my time with Linda. I help her with light housecleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, and transportation to doctor's appointments. But more importantly, and according to her family, I feel that I have been able to lift her spirits and provide her with empathy, understanding, and friendship. Linda has been fortunate enough to qualify for a program that will now provide some free in-home care for her, and she will be reducing my hours accordingly. I am currently looking for a similar type of position where I can help someone with daily tasks, and provide the support of a kind and empathetic companion. I am neat, organized, and reliable. I enjoy cleaning and organizing. My cooking skills are average, but I love trying new recipes and making simple, nourishing meals. I am a healthy and physically active 62 year old. I love walking, hiking and yoga. My hobbies include reading, sewing, and gardening. I have comfortable and reliable transportation. I am fully vaccinated, and follow all COVID protocols. I am looking forward to seeing how I can best serve my next client.


Age Specific Experience

1 year paid experience with:

  • 75 to 84 years old
  • Over 85 years old

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Conversation and companionship
  • Safety supervision
  • Meal preparation
  • Medication reminders
  • Light housekeeping
  • Laundry and linen changes
  • Shopping

Experience with providing personal care services:

  • Dressing
  • Feeding and special diet

Experience with providing individualized services:

  • Assistance with Pets

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Permanent (2 or more years)

Job Duration

  • Willing to consider a part time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 12/31/21

  • Day-time Weekdays (M - F)
  • Weekday Afternoons
  • Weekends Daytime


Linda K. is a reference for Lisa H. Relationship: Former Employer
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Lisa H.
Lisa H.
Portland, OR 97203

years experience

Home Care Rates $20 per hour

  • Basic background check

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