Rosa H. Care Companion in Paulding, OH 45879
Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.
Enhanced background check
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Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
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Motor vehicle records check
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Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Paulding, OH
0 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Home Care Rates $15 per hour
Rosa’s Bio
Hi! My name is Rosy, I'm a very pacient person whit other people but I'm a very active at the same time, I'm learning English. I have a three year old daughter who would attend with me, she is a very sweet girl. I hope it is not a problem since I would do my job just give me a chance to prove it.
Light housekeeping
Other household chores such as washing clothing and dishes
Running errands such as grocery shopping
Transportation to appointments and other activities
Preparing meals
I can try make appoinments with doctors.
Age Specific Experience
0 years paid experience
Experience with providing individualized services:
- Assistance with Pets
- Meal Planning
- Mobility Training
Willing to run errands
Availability & Job Preferences
Availability Duration
Prefers to provide visiting care
- Short term (1 to 3 months)
- Temporary (4 to 12 months)
Job Duration
- Willing consider either a part time or full time position
- Start date is flexible
My availability is valid through 3/31/22
- Open (all day, everyday)
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