Ana M. Care Companion in Las Vegas, NV 89128
Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
First aid certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
First aid certification
CPR certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
CPR certification
Las Vegas, NV
10 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Home Care Rates $15 per hour
Ana’s Bio
I have over 20 years experience caring for those who need. I worked for 6 years in a day care for handicapped and mentally handicapped.
I am English, I have a fun sense of humor, and make a great companion.
Background check and references on interview.
please call me on 702 427 8892
Bye from Ana
Age Specific Experience
10 years paid experience
Experience with providing basic care services:
- Conversation and companionship
- Meal preparation
- translation missing: en.profile.provider.search.companion_care.basic_care_experience.bathing
Availability & Job Preferences
Job Duration
- Willing consider either a part time or full time position
My availability is valid through 11/12/13
- Open (all day, everyday)
Skills & Abilities
Languages Spoken
- Hebrew
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