Angeline P. Care Companion in Charleston, MO 63834
Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Last completed on 04/06/2020.
Basic background check 04/06/2020
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
Charleston, MO
5 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Home Care Rates $10 per hour
Angeline’s Bio
I have been a foster parent, respite worker from age 17 to 40. I have 3 cats, all rescues, and a blind weiner dog. Shes 10 and been mine since a puppy. I had major surgery 11/19 and cannot return to "real" workplace until January 6th. I was searching for some part-time work and came across this post. Would be perfect for a little extra money for Christmas!
Age Specific Experience
5 years paid experience with:
- Under 55 years old
- 55 to 64 years old
- 65 to 74 years old
Experience with providing basic care services:
- Conversation and companionship
- Meal preparation
- Medication reminders
- Social activities
- Light housekeeping
- Laundry and linen changes
- Shopping
Experience with providing personal care services:
- Dressing
- Grooming
- Feeding and special diet
Experience with providing individualized services:
- Assistance with Pets
Willing to run errands
Availability & Job Preferences
Availability Duration
Prefers to provide visiting care
- On call (as needed)
Job Duration
- Willing consider either a part time or full time position
- Start date is flexible
My availability is valid through 1/16/20
- Open (all day, everyday)
Jonathan H. is a reference for Angeline P. | Relationship: Family | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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