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Fredda K., Care Companion in Seekonk, MA 02771 with 10 years paid experience

Fredda K. Care Companion in Seekonk, MA 02771

Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.

Seekonk, MA

10 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within a month

Rating Average rating of 5 (1 review)


5 out of 5 stars

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Fredda is an excellent sitter. I was nervous to leave my newborn for the first time, and she took just as good o...

- Debby L.
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Home Care Rates $10 per hour

Fredda’s Bio

I have taken care of my elderly parents for many years and miss the rewarding experiences older people can provide.


Age Specific Experience

10 years paid experience

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Conversation and companionship
  • Meal preparation

Availability & Job Preferences

Job Duration

  • Willing consider either a part time or full time position


My availability is valid through 8/13/11

  • Weekday Early Morning
  • Day-time Weekdays (M - F)
  • Weekday Afternoons


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (1)
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2 star  
1 star  

Fredda is an excellent sitter. I was nervous to leave my newborn for the first time, and she took just as good of care of me as she did of my son! She is reliable, energetic, and very caring.

- Debby L.


Joni P. is a reference for Fredda K.
Dr P. is a reference for Fredda K.
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Fredda K.
Fredda K.
Seekonk, MA 02771

years experience

Home Care Rates $10 per hour

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