Dawn U. Care Companion in Chicago, IL 60609
Looking for part-time work as a care companion.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Never run.
Basic background check(Not Run)
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
First aid certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
First aid certification
CPR certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
CPR certification
Chicago, IL
25 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Home Care Rates $20 per hour
Dawn’s Bio
My name is Dawn Urso.
I reside in Chicago & own a small business @ EveryBody Counts LLC w/ 25+Yrs experience as a certified Personal Trainer/Conditioning Coach.
I currently work w youth, Adults & seniors but find that element of “caretaker” missing.
I also worked w grades pre-k thru 8th as a physical education instructor @ St. Jerome Catholic School for (8)yrs as well as the Boys & girls clubs of Chicago as a Fitness Specialist for under privileged youth.
My jobs were part-time which allowed me the to conduct wellness & nutritional programs for private, buddy & group training.
Form, balance, coordination, agility, speed, strength, resistance, breath & nutritional habits were incorporated into each session for all client needs.
I am CPR certified (adult/youth)
Water Safety Certified
Yoga, pilates, kickboxing, music & movement, & nutrition, Deaktoo publishing & Aldus Pagemaker (certifications)
Age Specific Experience
25 years paid experience with:
- Under 55 years old
- 55 to 64 years old
- 65 to 74 years old
- 75 to 84 years old
Experience with providing basic care services:
- Conversation and companionship
- Safety supervision
- Meal preparation
- Social activities
- Light housekeeping
- Exercise/Physical activities
- Laundry and linen changes
- Shopping
- Mobility assistance
Experience with providing personal care services:
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Grooming
- Feeding and special diet
Experience with providing individualized services:
- Grooming Guidance
- Nutrition Education
- Mobility Training
Availability & Job Preferences
Availability Duration
Prefers to provide visiting care
- Permanent (1 to 2 years)
- Permanent (2 or more years)
- On call (as needed)
Job Duration
- Willing to consider a part time position
- Start date is flexible
My availability is valid through 8/24/22
- Weekday Afternoons
- Weekday Evenings
- Weekends Daytime
Jacqueline M. is a reference for Dawn U. | Relationship: Family | Join Now to Contact Reference |
Marylu S. is a reference for Dawn U. | Relationship: Family | Join Now to Contact Reference |
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